Soprano - Laser Hair Removal

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal,Hair Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Near Me

Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal

Transformations Aesthetic Solutions

Unwanted hair in various areas of the body can compromise a woman’s or a man’s aesthetic appearance. Laser hair removal has long been recognized as a proven and effective solution to eliminate that unwanted hair. Luckily, the new Soprano Ice Platinum system is taking laser hair removal to the next level. 

ICE Laser Hair Removal

The award-winning Soprano ICE laser hair removal system is a comprehensive solution for unwanted hair removal because it blends advanced hair removal technology with med spa treatment methods. How does it do that? By incorporating multiple techniques and wavelengths to treat the most broad range of hair types and patients. 

Soprano ICE:


  • Produces successful results for all skin colors and types.
  • Has a proven safety record.
  • Provides optimal coverage.
  • Is virtually painless.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal,Hair Treatment

Laser Hair Removal

What is Soprano Ice

Laser Hair Removal?

The Soprano Ice Platinum platform has a painless application. Its high-energy, high-repetition pulses quickly reach optimal temperature, so there is not time for heat to build up in the skin. It’s also a quick procedure, even when the area of treatment is the back or legs, and it can be performed on all types of hair—fine, coarse, light or dark—it doesn’t matter. Soprano Ice Platinum is the perfect solution for removing facial hair (ears, eyebrows, upper lip), hair from smaller areas like cheeks, toes, belly button and delicate areas, but the platform is also highly effective on the legs, back, chest and neck. There is no downtime, so you can return right to work after your procedure, or even go to work out, if you wish.

Benefits of Laser Hair Treatment

One of the main benefits of laser treatment is that it is virtually painless compared to waxing, plucking and other traditional methods of hair removal A numbing cream is also applied to the target area before treatment, and the advanced cooling machine used at Transformations Aesthetic Solutions cools the skin during the treatment to minimize discomfort. The pulse of the laser lasts less than a second and produces a slight tingling sensation or feels like a rubber band snap on the skin. The sensation subsides within a few hours of the treatment.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal,Hair Treatment

Hair Removal

Soprano Treatment - Hair Removal

The Soprano treatment uses the light of suitable frequency to eliminate hair more effectively and for a longer period of time. A broad-spectrum of light is emitted on the skin surface and when further penetrates into the hair shaft. The light is absorbed, and the hair root is heated and destroyed. The laser applicator is then moved to the surrounding skin area, and the process is repeated until the entire area of the skin is covered. The Soprano Ice Platinum is the most advanced and safe laser available, and is highly effective in removing hair from all skin types, from dark to light. The laser beam penetrates the skin more deeply than other lasers, causing no damage to the epidermis and directly targeting the hair follicles.

FAQS Soprano Ice Laser


    Hair growth takes place in three different stages, but all the hairs are not at the same stage simultaneously. Therefore when an area is treated with lasers, only a small percentage of hair at their anagen phase will be affected. To reduce hair growth effectively and to get rid of unwanted hair, multiple treatments are necessary.


    • Protect the skin from sun or UV exposure for about a month prior to the treatment.

    • Remove any spray tan from the area to be treated.

    • Shave the area to be treated between 12-24 hours before the treatment. Otherwise, the entire hair will absorb the energy emitted by the lasers, and it will heat up, which can burn the skin.

    • Do not wax or tweeze the area to be treated for up to six weeks prior to the appointment.

    • Do not apply topical creams on the area to be treated before the appointment.


    Each laser hair reduction session's length depends on the area size, density of hair, speed of the machine and the patient's pain threshold. For example, it takes two to three minutes to treat upper lips, six to ten minutes to do both underarms and 30 minutes to do full legs.


    The common side effects of laser hair reduction treatment include slight burning sensation, redness and swelling. You may apply antibiotics and ice to manage discomfort after treatment. These side effects disappear within a couple of hours after treatment. One should always receive this treatment from an expert to minimize the risk of any side effects.


    Almost every part of the body is suitable for laser hair reduction. Unwanted hair on the face, chin, bikini area, arms, chest, legs and underarms are all suitable sites for laser hair reduction. Lasers help to eliminate the need to go for waxing appointments or shave those areas with harsh razors. Men and women often have different areas of concern and desired treatment sites, but laser treatment is suitable for removing all unwanted body and face hair.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal,Hair Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Before and After

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