IPL - Laser Hair Removal

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction, Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Hair Removal – Skin Rejuvenation -

IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

At Transformations Aesthetic Solutions, our mission is to help patients achieve optimal health and function throughout the various stages of their lives by offering state-of-the-art anti-aging therapies and skin rejuvenation services. We want to help our patients look and feel better on both the inside and the outside. Our skin aesthetics treatments and therapies aim to conceal the obvious outward signs of aging to the skin and restore a more youthful appearance.

Transformations is committed to investing in technology that brings solutions to the issues that concern our clients. The Icon™ from Cynosure™ is new-generation technology that we use to provide our clients with the most requested and popular skin treatments:

  • Wrinkle reduction, sun damage and facial veins.
  • Scars and stretch marks.
  • Hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal

and IPL Laser

Unwanted hair is often removed by shaving, tweezing, waxing, applying depilatories and electrolysis. The disadvantage of these methods is that they require regular attention and become tedious chores. Those who seek a more permanent solution turn to laser hair removal, which has become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments worldwide.

Laser treatment works by passing the laser beam through the skin to the hair follicle, which damages the follicle and hinders future hair growth. Hair removal has been more common for women than for men, especially for hair on the face and legs, but men are increasingly seeking this treatment for unwanted hair on their chest and backs. 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) used at Transformations is a powerful platform that offers high peak power, state-of-the-art cooling and a revolutionary melanin density reader that assists in minimizing treatment time while maximizing results. IPL treatments apply the principle of selective photothermolysis, whereby a light-based treatment targets specific structures or chromophores in the skin, which absorb the light energy as heat to destroy their targets.


The Icon™ is highly versatile in that it offers multiple devices in one machine, including the fractional, non-ablative laser for skin resurfacing and the treatment of scars and stretch marks (the only FDA-cleared laser for this treatment). It also offers a variety of microlenses for customized non-ablative resurfacing treatments. An IPL treatment typically lasts about 15-30 minutes. To achieve the best results, most patients generally receive three to four treatments, scheduled about one month apart. Because some pain is associated with these treatments, described by some patients as a rubber band being snapped across the skin, a numbing agent may be applied to the skin prior to the treatment. Of course, individual results will vary.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction, Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Near Me

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction, Laser Hair Removal
transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction

Addresses Pigment Irregularities

IPL Treats Age Spots and

Facial Surface Veins

At Transformations Aesthetic Solutions, all of our non-surgical treatments seek to improve your skin. IPL benefits your skin in two ways. First, these light treatments target your pigmentation problems, such as age spots. The darker cells absorb the IPL energy and the melanin pigment fragments. The body then absorbs the pigment cells and the spots become less and less visible. With facial surface veins, the energy is absorbed by the dark blood, heating the vein. This heating causes the vein wall to collapse and close off the vein. The body then scavenges the vein and it completely disappears.

IPL Provides Skin Tightening

and Wrinkle Reduction

Second, the IPL energy penetrates the epidermis layer of the skin (the outer layer) and gently heats the dermis, the skin’s second layer. When the body senses this heating in the dermis it responds as if it has been wounded by producing new amounts of collagen and sending it to the “wounded” area. Since collagen provides the skin’s underlying support structure, it provides skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. 

IPL Treats Blotchy Skin,

Sun Damaged Skin and Freckles

IPL is primarily used to address pigmentation issues. So, if you have blotchy, sun-damaged skin with lots of freckles, IPLs are an effective treatment. They also shrink large pores, remove broken capillaries and lessen fine lines and wrinkles. Rosacea responds well to IPL treatments.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction

Treating Sun Damaged Skin

IPL Does Not Effectively Treat Dark Skin Tones

IPLs are not effective for darker skin tones or deeply tanned skin, as the IPL wavelengths cannot differentiate between the age spots/pigmentation problems and the rest of the darkened skin. If you’re using Retin-A, doxycycline, or other medications, they will need to be stopped for one week prior to your IPL treatment. 

FAQS IPL (Intense Pulse Light)


    To start your IPL photofacial, we rub gel on your clean skin, and we give you a pair of dark glasses to protect your eyes from the light rays. If you desire, we also can apply topical numbing cream to reduce the sensations of the treatment. We then place the IPL handpiece on the skin of the treatment area. The handpiece slides across the skin delivering light pulses. When the IPL device delivers the light pulse, you’ll feel a slight sting. Patients equate this with a small rubber band being plucked lightly against your skin. This process is repeated until the entire face or other targeted area is completely covered. This typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes.


    The changes in your pigmentation problems and blood vessels are permanent. After the IPL energy breaks down the melanin in your sun spots and closes off those small surface blood vessels, your body removes them as waste products. Whether or not you develop more sun spots and broken surface blood vessels is dependent upon your sun exposure moving forward. More sun exposure will create more sun spots and areas of blotchy pigmentation. But if you take good care of your skin and protect it from the sun, your skin will continue to look good for the long term.


    These are very low-risk procedures, as they are completely non-ablative and non-invasive. Unlike laser resurfacing, the light energy is not removing any skin. It is simply penetrating the outer layer and targeting the darker colors of the sun damaged skin and blood vessels beneath the surface. There isn’t any recovery time required after our IPL photofacials at Transformations Aesthetic Solutions. Your skin may be somewhat red after your session, but that passes in a few hours.


    The cost of your IPL photofacial at Transformations Aesthetic Solutions will depend upon the size of the areas you’ve elected to treat. Your cost is based upon the length of time it takes to adequately cover your target areas. This can vary widely between patients. During your consultation we’ll learn exactly the issues or areas you’re seeking to address. At that point, we can give you the exact cost of your IPL.

transformation aesthetic solutions, plastic surgery center, medical spa, IPL, Intense Pulse Light,  Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction

Skin Tightening with IPL

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